When you're finding books for your research, make note of the author name(s), book title, edition, publication date, publisher, place of publication, and the pages you've referenced.
For each type of source in this guide, both the general form and a specific example will be provided.
The following format will be used:
In-Text Citation- entry that appears in the body of your paper.
Reference List- entry that appears at the end of your paper.
Information was drawn from Scientific style and format : the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers.
Dube OP, Sekhwela MBM. 2008. Indigenous knowledge, institutions and practices for coping with variable climate in the Limpopo Basin of Botswana. In: Leary N, Adejuwon J, Barros V, Burton I, Kulkarni J, Lasco R, editors. Climate change and adaptation. London: Earthscan. p. 71-89.