Ebook are cited the exact same way as their print counterparts, but have the addition of a "media marker" at the end of the citation, such as Kindle edition, PDF e-book, Microsoft Reader e-book, CD-ROM, etc.
Books consulted online are also cited the same way as their print counterparts, but have the DOI or URL (if publicly available) included at the end of the citation. If it's from one of the library's eBook databases, specify which one.
General Format
Full Note:
1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, Book Title: Subtitle of the Book (Place of Publication:
Publisher, Year), page #. Format/URL/DOI/Commercial Database.
1. Elizabeth Hillman Waterston, Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs: College Life in Wartime, 1939-1942
(Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012), 54. ProQuest Ebook Central.
2. Eiichiro Azuma, Between Two Empires: Race, History, and Transnationalism in Japanese
America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 72. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195159400.001.0001.
3. John Douglas Belshaw, Canadian History: Post-Confederation, 2nd ed.(Victoria, BC: BCcampus,
2020), sec. 2.6. https://opentextbc.ca/postconfederation2e/
Subsequent Note:
4. Author Surname, Book Title, page #.
5. Waterston, Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs, 78.
Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Book Title: Subtitle of the Book. Place of Publication:
Publisher, Year. Format/URL/DOI/Commercial Database.
Azuma, Eiichiro. Between Two Empires: Race, History, and Transnationalism in Japanese
America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195159400.001.0001.
Belshaw, John Douglas. Canadian History: Post-Confederation, 2nd ed. Victoria, BC: BCcampus,
2020. https://opentextbc.ca/postconfederation2e/
Waterston, Elizabeth Hillman. Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs: College Life in Wartime, 1939-1942.
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012. ProQuest. Ebook Central.