Be sure to include a medium designator after the title. For a VHS use [videocassette].
The publication information is followed by a physical description of the medium, e.g., 1 DVD: 122 min, sound, colour, 4 3/4 in. OR 1 videocassette: 68 min, sound, colour, 1/2 in.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Author date)
Reference List:
Author AA. Year. Title. [medium designator]. Place of publication (State or Prov): Publisher name. 1 [medium designator]: description.
In-Text Citation:
(Downey 2006)
Reference List:
Downey D, producer/director. 2008. Community health nursing: a practical view. [DVD]. St. John's (NL): Memorial University of Newfoundland. 1 DVD: 28 min, sound, colour, 4 3/4 in.