For an online journal article with a DOI (digital object identifier) follow the journal title with the date you retrieved the article, the URL where it is located, and the DOI.
Journal titles: For more information the format of journal titles, see the tab Basic Journal Article in this guide.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Author date)
Author AA. Year. Article title. Journal title. [accessed yyyy Mmm dd];Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. URL. doi.
In-Text Citation:
(Yencho et al. 2008)
Reference List:
Yencho GC, McCord PH, Haynes KG. 2008. Internal heat necrosis of potato - a review. Am J Potato Res. [accessed 2019 Jan 18];85(1):69-76. doi:10.1007/s12230-008-9008-4.