If the magazine article is from an online source, include the URL and/or
DOI (digital object identifier), whatever is available. Print sources, of course, will not have a URL or DOI.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Author date)
Reference List:
Author AA. Year Mmm dd. Article title. Magazine title. Issue: Page Numbers.
In-Text Citation:
(Taylor 2008)
Reference List (print source):
Taylor PS. 2008 July 21. The drink for the rich and uneducated. Maclean's. 121:29.
Reference List (online source):
Taylor PS. 2008 July 21. The drink for the rich and uneducated. Maclean's. 121:29. https://ezproxy.tru.ca/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=33277591&site=eds-live.