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CSE Citation Style Guide

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a. Basic Book

The example below refers to a book with one author. Note the following:
Edition: If a book has been published in more than one edition, include the edition statement. 
Electronic books (e-books) and special books: Note that books in electronic form, as well as special types of books such as conference proceedings and technical reports, have their own format.
Number of pages: When citing a book, including the number of pages, or pagination, is optional.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Author date)
Reference List:
Author AA. Year. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication (State or Prov): Publisher name.Number of pages p.
Note: including the number of pages is optional.
In-Text Citation:
(Stern 2017)
Reference List:
Stern KR. 2017. Introductory plant biology. 14th ed. Dubuque (IA): W. C. Brown Publishers. 640 p.
Note: including the number of pages is optional.