Note that newspaper titles are not abbreviated. The example below is from a print source. If an article is from an online source, include the URL at the end, after the last period.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Author date)
Reference List:
Author AA, Author BB. Year Mmm dd. Article title. Newspaper title (edition). Sect: Beginning page of article (column number).
In-Text Citation:
(Smith 2010)
Reference List:
Smith JL. 2010 Jun 7. 40-year itch hitting more marriages: divorce rates among mature couples mounts as baby boomers refuse to keep up appearances. Vancouver Sun; Sect. B:7.
Newspaper Article with no Author
For an article with no author, start the citation with the article title. For the in-text citation, use the first word or first few words of the title, followed by ellipses (...).
Note that newspaper titles are not abbreviated. The example below is from a print source. If an article is from an online source, include the URL at the end, after the last period.
General Format
In-Text Citation:
(Title... date)
Reference List:
Article title. Year Mmm dd. Newspaper title (edition). Sect: Beginning page of article (column number).
In-Text Citation:
(Father and son... 2009)
Reference List:
Father and son arrested in beating. 2009 May 26. Kamloops Daily News; Sect. A:5.