Listening resource kit by by Denise GagnéCall Number: MT 10 .G345 2001 (CURRICULUM)
ISBN: 1894096606
Level 1 (K-1) covers topics like listening to environmental sounds, what keeps a beat, fast/slow, loud/soft, and high/low. It includes the complete Carnival Of The Animals, excerpts from Peter And The Wolf and The Nutcracker, and several additional selections for movement and activities.
Level 2 (Grade 2) includes dozens of selections from Carnival Of The Animals, The Nutcracker, The Four Seasons, Bach, Grieg, Tchaikovsky, Handel, Schumann, and Debussy. It includes note, worksheet, and listening examples from the composer featured on the DVD Bach's Fight For Freedom.
Level 3 (Grade 3) has a variety of selections from Mozart, Schumann, Handel, Beethoven, Purcell, and Kodály. It comes with note, worksheet, and listening examples from the composers featured on the DVDs Strauss: The King Of Three-Quarter Time and Beethoven Lives Upstairs.
Level 4 (Grade 4) includes selections from Handel, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Liszt, Scott Joplin, and Grieg, as well as early music. There are also four recorder themes and three recorder selections. It includes note, worksheet, and listening examples from the composers featured on the DVDs Liszt's Rhapsody and Handel's Last Chance, plus a 2-part Hallelujah Chorus for your students to sing!
Level 5 (Grades 5-6) features music by Vivaldi, Boehm, MacDowell, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Strauss Sr., Beethoven, Grieg, Bizet, Strauss Jr., and Rossini. Forms studied include theme and variations, rondo, and canon. This level includes note, worksheet, and listening examples from the composers featured on the DVDs Bizet's Dream and Rossini's Ghost.