The curriculum collection has materials that you can use for your practicum placements and when creating lesson plans. These include:
Find the Curriculum Collection on the 3rd floor of the House of Learning. Look for the yellow signs on the side of the shelves that say "curriculum."
One of the best way to find resources that you may need is to browse the shelves--you never know what you will find that you could use for your class! Because of the way these books are organized and catalogued, it's often more productive to browse in person than to search online.
Books in the curriculum collection are arranged by subject, just like the other library books. Not sure where to get started? Browse the shelves in the area you need materials for by looking at the call numbers on the book spines to find the section you need. Below are some of the broad subject areas you might need resources for. If what you need isn't listed here, ask your education librarian!
Browsing Tip: The year the book was published is often at the end of the call number, so you can easily tell how old a resource is.
Books (and ebooks!) can be found using Discover, the main library search on the homepage.
Tip: add words that are commonly used to describe teaching resources. Some of the most common include:
Here is an example of what that might look like:
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