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What's a Database?

Article databases contain information about articles, and often include the full-text of the articles as well.

While searching our discovery service will find articles for you, databases allow you do more controlled and precise searching.

Specialized databases for finding articles in Education

ERIC - Advanced Tips

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is a key database for educational research. Using some advanced techniques is a great way to get the most out of this database.


1. Advanced Search: On the main page of ERIC (the advanced search page), scroll down to find the education-specific filters, such as "Education Level" and "Intended Audience." You can also put a country in "Location Identifiers" to limit results to information that is about a particular country (more reliable than putting the country as one of your search terms).


2. ERIC Thesaurus: On the top bar of the page, click "Thesaurus" to browse the list of subjects in the database. This is a "controlled vocabulary," which means that each idea is represented by only one term. This makes it easier to find all the information on a topic.

For example, type postsecondary education into the box and click on the first term. You will find a list of broader, narrower, and related terms, as well as what this subject is used for. In this case, articles are tagged as "postsecondary education" instead of "tertiary education" and "grade 13," as some examples.

To use this thesaurus in your search, select terms you would like to search for and add them to your search using OR using the button above the list of terms. The checkboxes under Explode on the right will search for all the narrower terms of that term. If you select explode for "postsecondary education," your search will also include the narrower term "higher education."

After running this search, you will be able to add further keywords to narrow the search.

The below slideshow tutorial demonstrates the ERIC Thesaurus; if you have additional questions, please contact the Education librarian.

Searching ERIC through the TRU Library