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Creating Links to Library Resources

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Creating Links to Library Resources

It is advisable to create links to rather than copies of readings wherever possible.
Thompson Rivers University Library subscribes to a large number of subscription databases and online journals. The agreements that the TRU Library negotiates with its database vendors and publishers allow use of licensed material for research, instruction, and educational purposes. Commercial use of licensed material is not allowed under the terms of our database licenses. Generally the license terms, in most cases, allow you to print or download a copy of an article for yourself and to post persistent links to journal articles from Moodle. We do provide specific licensing information on our "more information" page for each database on our database A-Z list.

For questions or help with persistent links contact your Subject librarian.

Special Note on the Harvard Business Review

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) has especially restrictive licensing provisions, much more so than fair dealing legislation. If you wish to direct your students to articles from Harvard Business Review, please contact your Subject Librarian for advice on associated copyright restrictions. You may not post PDFs from Harvard Business Review on Moodle at any time. The library also has a guide on how to use citations to locate articles.

Creating Links to Items In...

ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library

Persistent Link

    1. Connect to the ACM Digital Library through the TRU library web site.
    2. Find the article for which you want to create a link and click on the title of the article to display the full information for that article.
      Note: Not all articles allow for a persistent link, so check for“DOI Bookmark” below the article citation. If this exists, you can create a link.
    3. Use the DOI Bookmark to create a persistent link to the article.

ACS Publications

ACS Publications

Persistent Link

  1. Connect to ACS Web site using the library web page.
  2. Find the article for which you want to create a link.
  3. Locate the link for the DOI assigned to the article.

  4. Add to this prefix to your DOI:

    Your final DOI link that you will add to your course will look like this:


Discover and EBSCO Databases

Creating Links to EBSCO Databases and Discover Search

This applies to EBSCO databases: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, CINAHL, EconLit, ERIC, PsycARTICLES, and PsycInfo and results found in our Discovery Search.

  1. Select the result you would like to create a link for and open the records page.
  2. Click on the Share icon.
  3. Click on the Create Link option.
  4. Copy the link to your clipboard.
  5. Insert the link where you need it.

Ingenta Connect

Ingenta Connect

Persistent Link

  1. Search Ingenta for the article you want to link to.
  2. Click the title.
  3. Click "Linking options" at the right side of the page and select "OpenURL".

  4. Paste the URL into Moodle. Add to this prefix to your ingenta URL:

Your final URL will look like this:




Persistent Link

  1. Find the article in the JSTOR.
  2. Below the title of the article, click on the link "export this citation"
  3. Find the "Stable URL" and copy it.

  4. Before pasting the URL into your Moodle form, add this prefix:

Your final URL will look like this:

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni

1. Locate the article you want to link to and click on the title to open the full-text.

2. Click on the permalink icon on the top of the page

3. On the resulting popup page, select the full URL, and use your browser tools to copy the link (e.g., CTRL C / Command C)

4. Add this prefix to the front of your link:

Your final permalink that you will add will look like this: 

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary

Persistent Link

  1. Search for the word you wish to define.
  2. Copy the URL from the address box.
  3. Paste that URL into your Moodle form to create the persistent link to your article.

Project Muse

Project Muse

Persistent Link

  1. Find the article for which you want to create a link and choose HTML or PDF versions of the article.
  2. Find the DOI for your article and copy it
  3. Add to this prefix to your DOI:
  4. Your final DOI link that you will look like this:
  5. Paste your final URL into your Moodle course.

ProQuest Databases

ProQuest Databases

This applies to all ProQuest hosted databases: Canadian Newsstand, Canadian Research Index, CBCA Reference & Current Events, and CBCA Education.

Persistent Link


  1. Find the article for which you want to create a link and click on the title of the article to display the full information for that article.
  2. The URL in the browser bar is the persistent link.
    • For example
      Image of database
  3. Paste the entire URL (including the prefix) into the Moodle form to link to the article.



Persistent Link

  1. Find the article in ScienceDirect
  2. Below the title and author of the article, find the DOI number. The DOI will look like this: 

  3. Right click on the DOI number to get the full link.

  4. Select "Copy link location" or "Copy Shortcut" (or similar wording) from the popup menu

  5. Before pasting the URL into your Moodle form, add this prefix:

  6. Your final URL will look like this:

  7. Paste your final URL into your Moodle course.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library

Persistent Link

  1. Find the article for which you want to create a link.
  2. View the article in the full display by clicking on the title of the article.
  3. Find the DOI for the article
  4. Add to this prefix to your DOI:
  5. Your final DOI link that you will look like this:
  6. Paste your final URL into your Moodle course.