Contains more than 70 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable image-based format. folder. Provides online full-text access to over 900 Canadian and international law reviews and legal journals, 550 legal classics titles, the U.S. Federal Register, U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1754, and notable collections of U.S. international treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions. Includes both searchable OCR full-text and PDF images of documents.
Legal information, cases, and a QuickCite feature to help verify currency and validity of cases and legislation.
Ebook Central is the new name for ebrary, and is the provider of electronic books in a variety of disciplines. Ebook Central is updated frequently, and titles can be found in the also be found in the library catalogue. Publishers retain the right to remove titles from Ebook Central.
Legal information, cases, and a QuickCite feature to help verify currency and validity of cases and legislation.
Includes Oxford Reports on International Law; Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law; Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law; Oxford Historical Treaties.
Provides a searchable, online, full-text collection of over 250 humanities and social science journals. Update frequency: N/A
Law Reports & Case Reports Online from the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales. The Law Reports are the official series of Reports cited in the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.
A collection of digital legal material. It includes Canada, US, UK, and other national historical legal, government, and international materials. Includes historical BC statutes 1858-1995.
A collection of legal treatises, historical records and works from the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Providing broad coverage, the collection enables detailed research on centuries of major events of legal history, from public policy and taxation to contract law, sustainable development concerns, and issues of war and peace
A comprehensive full-text collection of some of the most famous Anglo-American trials. Provides a fully searchable digital archive of works pertaining to English-speaking jurisdictions such as Canada, the United States, Britain, and Ireland, as well as English-language titles about trials in other jurisdictions such as France. Update frequency: unknown.
Fully searchable digital archive of the published records of the American colonies (i.e., cases, statues and regulations). Includes documents published by state constitutional conventions, state codes, city charters, law dictionaries, and digests. Note: The term “primary sources” is used not in the historian’s sense of a manuscript, letter or diary; it is used in the legal sense of a case, statute or regulation.
Comprehensive full-text collection of some of the most famous Anglo-American trials. Updates: unknown
Includes Oxford Reports on International Law; Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law; Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law; Oxford Historical Treaties.
Detailed and timely notifications of amendments to legislation are available and customizable. Good historical source from the mid-1990s to present. Comprehensive current BC legislation, bills, orders-in-council, regulations, etc. Content is fully searchable and printable.
Rangefindr is a tool to help lawyers and judges find criminal sentencing ranges.
For physical legal dictionaries, see the law library, section KE 183.
CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. This website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions, plus case summaries in CanLII Connects and a small collection of online works of commentary.
Decisions of tribunals, boards of inquiry, and courts from all jurisdictions. Also includes appeals and human rights legislation from all jurisdictions.
Includes Canada Supreme Court Reports, 1876-Current.
Legal information, cases, and a QuickCite feature to help verify currency and validity of cases and legislation.
British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.
Earlier British Legislation can be found here.
The TRU Library does not have a subscription for this database, but there are still over 45,000 titles relating to United Kingdom law available without a subscription.
Date of publication ranges from 1600-1939.
Search tip: Start with a subject search for law and use the limiters on the left menu to refine your search.
Contains more than 70 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable image-based format. folder. Provides online full-text access to over 900 Canadian and international law reviews and legal journals, 550 legal classics titles, the U.S. Federal Register, U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1754, and notable collections of U.S. international treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions. Includes both searchable OCR full-text and PDF images of documents.
Law Reports & Case Reports Online from the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales. The Law Reports are the official series of Reports cited in the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. is the official place of publication for newly enacted legislation. All legislation from 1988 – present day is available on this site. Most pre-1988 primary legislation is available on this site. link opens in a new w
Legal information, cases, and a QuickCite feature to help verify currency and validity of cases and legislation.
A collection of digital legal material. It includes Canada, US, UK, and other national historical legal, government, and international materials. Includes historical BC statutes 1858-1995.
These are books containing judicial or tribunal decisions. Today they are largely digitized, but law reporter information is still used in case citation.
An alphabetical list of law reporters with abbreviations according to McGill's style guide. Links to their location are included where possible.
** denotes Official Reporter
* denotes that Reporter is preferred by McGill Guide
Hint: Use Ctrl+F to search by abbreviation
Law Reporters
Find "Law" under the Subjects tab of the TRU Course Reserves page to see if your professor requested reserve items for your course. The reserves shelf is located by the reference desk in the law library.