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Get Started with Zotero

Zotero is an open source citation manager. You can download the Zotero program and the browser plug-in at the link below, and create an account and sign in to sync your "library" across devices.

Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, share them in "group libraries," and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

NOTE: Zotero is hosted on a US server and does not comply with  BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) which  requires that the mandated use of systems located outside of Canada must be with prior written consent if the user has to provide personal information.

Library Resources for Zotero

The below downloads are materials from library workshops about Zotero and citation management. The PowerPoint slides provide step-by-step instructions for all key Zotero tasks and are a great resource for any stage of your Zotero journey.

The gallery slides at the bottom of this page are snippets from the PowerPoint if you need a quick refresher of how to get started, add resources, or cite with Zotero.

Installing and Logging In

Zotero homepage

Zotero Homepage

Instructions on how to sign in to Zotero
Screenshot of Zotero desktop version

Zotero Example

Adding Resources to Zotero

Screenshot showing where to click to add item from library search to Zotero

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 1

Screenshot showing where to click to add item from library search to Zotero

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 2

How to save file to computer

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 3

screenshot of importing file to Zotero

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 4

screenshot of adding file to zotero

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 5

Screenshot of where uploaded item is in Zotero

Adding to Zotero from Discover Search: Step 6

note: this process does not upload the PDF. can drag and drop PDF later

Adding PDFs

you can save multiple items from Discover search all at once, rather than one at a time

Adding Multiple Items at Once

screenshot: save items from discover search and find them in a list

Adding Multiple Items at Once: Step 1

screenshot: select all and export items

Adding Multiple Items at Once: Step 2

Creating Citations

directions on copy/paste citations
instructions on creating citations from a folder
instructions on citing with MS Word

Citing with MS Word: Step 1

screenshot of how to use zotero plugin for MS Word

Citing with MS Word: Step 2

screenshot of how to use zotero plugin for MS Word

Citing with MS Word: Step 3