Inter-corporate ownershipThe Inter-corporate ownership CD-ROM is the most authoritative and comprehensive source of information available on corporate ownership, a unique directory of "who owns what" in Canada . It tracks the ownership of the largest Canadian corporations and provides up-to-date information reflecting recent corporate takeovers and other substantial changes. Ultimate corporate control is determined through a careful study of holdings by corporations, the effects of options, insider holdings, convertible shares and interlocking directorships. The information that is presented is based on non-confidential returns filed by Canadian corporations under the Corporations Returns Act. The Inter-corporate ownership directory now lists more than 95,000 corporations. The data are presented in an easy-to-read tiered format, illustrating at a glance the hierarchy of subsidiaries within each corporate structure. The entries for each corporation provide both the country of control and the country of residence. As well, the inclusion of the Standard Industrial Classification code enables study by industrial sector.
- Older annual editions are available in CD_Shelf location. 2000 print edition available in the Reference location at HF 5071 .I57; 1984, 1987, 1990, 1996, 1998 print editions in Government Documents location at 61-517.