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Business & Economics Statistics

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Key Canadian Statistics

Business and Economic Statistical Sources by Subject

  • daily rates for the past 60 days; weekly rates for the past 60 weeks; monthly rates for the past 60 months, downloadable.
  • Bank Rate, prime rate, mortgage, GIC's, etc. changes, 10+ years, downloadable.
  • select Treasury Bills Yields to obtain daily, weekly and monthly yields for 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year bills.
  • click on Selected Historical Interest Rates for monthly bank rates (1935 - ) and average yields for 3- (Mr.1934- ) and 6-month (May 1959- ) treasury bill auctions (pdfs).
  • search for "interest rates" as an exact phrase.

- Banks release statements/reports on economic forecast

Provincial Statistics

Local Statistics