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TRU Borealis: Data Repository

Dataset Licenses

In Borealis, you will have an option to set terms of use for your Dataset. This may be either a Creative Commons License, or a customized set of terms. The default license if you do not modify it is CC0 (i.e. Public Domain).

If none of the Creative Commons licenses meet your needs, you can choose custom dataset terms. You will then outline what the terms of use of your Dataset are.


If any of your data files cannot be published yet, for example due to a journal publishing embargo, you can place an embargo on individual data files. The metadata and DOI will still be available. The data files will become available on the date you choose.

Note: once you apply an embargo and publish the data, you will not be able to change the embargo end date. Be certain about your embargo before publishing.

Screenshot indicating where to add an embargo on a data file.

Restricted Data

Data files can be restricted in Borealis. Unlike unrestricted files, restricted files are not able to be downloaded immediately by end users of the data. Instead, end users will need to request access to the data, either through Borealis or by sending an email to the long-term contact person of the data.

Even if data files are restricted, they should not have sensitive information, such as information that could identify research participants.

If you are considering restricting your data files, consider:

  • Why are you considering restricting the data file(s)?
  • Are you (or the long-term contact person in the Dataset) prepared to field access requests to the file(s)?
  • What Terms of Use will the restricted data file(s) have? For example, only available to researchers in BC.