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Third Iron: Easily Access Full-Text Scholarly Articles

PMID/DOI Search is a search tool that helps you access the full text of an article when searching by PMID or DOI. If the Library does not subscribe to the article, you will be given the option to request the article through our interlibrary loan service. It is integrated into BrowZine and available as a button beneath the Journals tab on the Library Discover Search.

PMID: Strings of numbers that are created by the PubMed database which is run by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. They are unique identifiers for articles from PubMed.

DOI: Strings of numbers and letters that begin with "10." that are created by the International DOI Federation. They are unique identifiers attached to articles.

You can also access the landing page by typing the PMID or DOI into the search box at the bottom of the page. landing page with DOI/PMID search box