Question: What value lies in a reference work? Why should you bother to consult these books?
Answer: Reference books help create a framework around your topic. They can help guide you in asking the right questions. Reference books can help researchers become more efficient database searchers - in formulating which keywords (or search terms) to use. Scholarly reference books also contain bibliographies (!!) - a listing of some of the most respected secondary and most useful primary sources on a topic. In a nutshell.... reference books are a great way to begin your research.
Use the following terms in a subject search to find related items in the library catalogue.
Subject headings to explore:
• Welding
• Welding--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
• Pipe fitting--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
• Underwater welding and cutting.
Here are some awesome books to get you started on your research topic.
Article databases contain information about articles, and often include the full-text of the articles as well.
While searching our discovery service will find articles for you, databases allow you do more controlled and precise searching.
Access to 2,500 full-text journals from of scientific, technical and medical fields. NOTE: Not all titles are available in full text. Full text online access to articles is limited to the journals that the TRU library subscribes to through Science Direct.
Provides full online content (complete full text of articles) from over 1500 leading scientific, technical, medical, and professional journals and books. Weekly updates.
Some really great resources to consult are: