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This guide outlines books, article databases, and other sources to guide students and faculty researching topic within the field of psychology.


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Brenda Smith
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Books to Get You Started

Why Reference books?

Question: What value lies in a reference work? Why should you bother to consult these books?

Answer: Reference books help create a framework around your topic. They can help guide you in asking the right questions. Reference books can help researchers become more efficient database searchers - in formulating which keywords (or search terms) to use. Scholarly reference books also contain bibliographies (!!) - a listing of some of the most respected secondary and most useful primary sources on a topic. In a nutshell.... reference books are a great way to begin your research.

Catalogue Search

Use the following terms in a subject search to find related items in the library catalogue.

Subject headings to explore:
• Psychology
• Psychiatry
• Cognitive science
• American Psychological Association
• Psychological tests
• Mental disorders


Books to Get You Started

Here are some books to get you started on your research topic.  Please note: E-Books are restricted to current TRU students, staff and faculty.

Here are some books to get you started on your research topic.  Please note: E-Books are restricted to current TRU students, staff and faculty.

Here are some books to get you started on your research topic.  Please note: E-Books are restricted to current TRU students, staff and faculty.

Here are some books to get you started on your research topic.  Please note: E-Books are restricted to current TRU students, staff and faculty

Article Databases

What's a Database?

Article databases contain information about articles, and often include the full-text of the articles as well.

While searching our discovery service will find articles for you, databases allow you do more controlled and precise searching.

Article Databases & Indexes


Research Strategies

Research Tips

Some really great resources to consult are:

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