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ENGL 1100

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Welcome to the library resources guide for English 1100 students.

The purpose of this guide is to highlight some of the key resources for conducting research and preparing a term paper in this course.

Resources are arranged by category and can be accessed by selecting from the tabs on the left side

Key Databases

Course Exercise

Practice Exercise

Start searching for your research topic! Use the following steps to try out what you've learned.

1. What is your topic statement or research question?

2. Break your topic down into major concepts/components and list them. Are there any alternate ways to break it down?

3. Choose 3 search tools to help you find information on your topic. Examples could be the Library Discover tool, a subject-specific database, Google Scholar, etc. Explain why you think those particular platforms could be helpful.

4. Pick one of the search tools from the previous step, and try some keyword searches. Remember that you can put phrases in "quotes" and that you can combine separate concepts with AND and similar concepts with OR. You can also use facets like the date slider and the Peer Review button to limit your search further. Experiment with different combinations until you find a search that you are happy with and has a reasonable number of results (between 50 and 300 results would be ideal).

5. Choose one article from your search and see if you can find any subject headings. Are they similar to your keywords? Are there any that you would choose to base a new search? Find the citation for the article you have chosen (in MLA format), and identify any subject headings.

Research Strategies

Research Tips

Some really great resources to consult are:

Quick Links

Writing a Summary

Writing an Academic Summary

One common assignment in ENGL 1100 asks you to summarize academic articles that you read. You may also be asked to write a critical summary. While your instructor may have specific structural and formatting guidelines, here are some great guides to help you with the writing process.

Annotated Bibliographies

Citation Style Guides

Ask the Library!

Ask the Library!