After you have successfully defended your thesis:
If you have any questions about this process, consult your thesis supervisor, graduate program coordinator, or the Research and Graduate Studies Office.
Important note for students: make sure that your student number (T-ID) is not present on your submission. This is your personal information and should not be shared.
TRUSpace welcomes submission of outstanding examples of student work. Student work submitted to TRUSpace will be publicly and permanently available worldwide. Students are responsible for the validity and authenticity of their work and require a faculty sponsor who attests that the work is of high caliber and worthy of long-term preservation in TRUSpace.
Important note for students: make sure that your student number (T-ID) is not present on your submission. This is your personal information and should not be shared.
There are many Open Educational Resources (OERs) that are created by or adapted by TRU faculty. We encourage these to be submitted to TRUSpace so we can have a collection of all the OERs from TRU.
To submit, fill out the below form and email it to the TRUSpace Team ( along with the files or links to your OER. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Erin.
Consider sending us an image for the item's repository thumbnail.
Have something else for TRUSpace? Send details to the TRUSpace administrator Erin May or book a meeting to discuss the suitability of your materials for the repository:
The TRUSpace license forms ask for your ORCID ID. This is an optional field, but having an ORCID ID as a researcher can be very beneficial!
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free persistent identifier (PID) for researchers. By using an ORCID, your research and data will be connected to you.
"People use “ORCID” or “ORCID iD” interchangeably, but what they’re talking about is a 16-digit number and the associated record (sometimes called a profile) that stores automatic links to all your research, and links all your research with you. By allowing trusted organizations to add your research information to your ORCID record, you can spend more time conducting your research and less time managing it."
Learn more:
There are many types of items in TRUSpace. The below list covers some of the materials you can expect to find, as well as some things to consider when submitting to TRUSpace.
Faculty Work: Faculty are encouraged to submit their papers, research data, or other types of work to TRUSpace, provided that any publisher (i.e. the journal) allows research to be deposited into an institutional repository, and that any data can be shared OA (i.e. it does not have sensitive data within).
Student Work: Successfully defended graduate and undergraduate theses may be submitted to TRUSpace. Submissions instructions can be found on the Submissions & Licenses page. Other student work, including graduate capstone projects, directed studies papers, or other high quality assignments, can also be submitted with instructor or supervisor approval.
Open Educational Resources: We encourage the submission of open educational resources (OERs) to TRUSpace that have been created or edited by TRU faculty. They can be in TRUSpace even if they are also posted in a different location, and many media types are accepted.
Event Archiving: Materials (such as video recordings, presentation slides, and/or schedules) from conferences and other events held at TRU can be preserved in TRUSpace. When possible, plan for this in advance of your event to ensure you can obtain the relevant permissions from conference speakers.
TRU historical documents and photographs: TRUSpace has several collections of documents and photos from TRU’s 50 year history, including academic calendars, newsletters, and reports. Decisions about new items of this nature will be made on a case by case basis.
Other Materials: other kinds of materials will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Contact the TRUSpace administrator about your suggested materials. Criteria that will be considered for other types of materials include:
TRU Library needs your permission to add your work to TRUSpace.
When you submit your work, you will be required to read, sign and return to the Library a non-exclusive licence which gives the TRU Library permission to make a copy of your work openly-accessible to the public through TRUSpace, in perpetuity. People will be able to use your work for non-commercial purposes as long as they provide appropriate acknowledgment and do not alter the work in any way.
This licence does not transfer the copyright for the work to the library.