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UBC-O 11th Annual Learning Conference


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Elizabeth Rennie
House of Learning 448

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Ginny Ratsoy - English and Modern Languages and Provost’s Fellow of Teaching and Learning Support - Centre for Student Engagement and Learning Innovation
Debbie Andrews - TRU Student and TRU Library staff

Presentation Abstract

The presentation highlights specific examples of the transformative power of experiential learning specific to the SoTL context.  Very often, the role of students in SoTL activity is limited to being subjects in their professors’ classroom inquiries. While completing surveys and participating in interviews and focus groups can be useful experiences for students, they can have a variety of deeper, more active roles in SoTL. At the same time as various sectors of Canadian universities advocate an array of out-of-the-classroom experiences for students – from research assistantships through cooperative education and service learning placements – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning practitioners are attempting to shift their activities to a more central position in campus culture. Drawing on the research of George Kuh on beyond-the-classroom high impact practices, as well that of contributors to Werder, C. & Otis’s (2010) Engaging student voices in the study of teaching and learning, we will argue for the efficacy involvement of undergraduate students in the SoTL work of faculty as a means to both meet the experiential needs of students and raise the visibility of teaching and learning centres. We propose to present several Thompson Rivers case studies, involving our teaching and learning centre and Communities of Practice, as exemplars of successful intersections of SoTL and experiential learning. Importantly, the students who have been involved in these case studies have done so in various capacities, including academic service learning, workstudy, and cooperative education. The interactive component will be a discussion that draws on the experiences of the attendees with SoTL –experiential learning models.


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